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Dolly the Dolphin and Tautau the Sea Turtle - Sea friends

by Celine van Rensburg
20 pages    892 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
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About the Book

A book about preserving nature. A dolphin named Dolly, and her parents, travel from one side of Khanom Bay to the other to visit Tautau the Sea Turtle and his family, who are being preserved in a holding tank, ready to be released back into nature when they are big and strong enough to survive the elements - and humans.

But Dolly and her family notice the terrible pollution in the bay and have to skirt around a huge patch of bad-smelling muck and flotsam and jetsam to get to Tautau's beach.

This is the first in the Dolly and Tautau series and will continue with the turtle is stolen from his pond by a greedy sea bird, who cannot hold onto her prey and drops Tautau into the ocean. While there, he comes across poachers who want to steal him and his family and turn them into turtle soup. He seeks out Dolly's help.

Features & Details
Created on: Apr-02-2014   Last updated:  Apr-02-2014
Format: 7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
Theme: Open Theme    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
khanom    khanom bay    Khanom Dee Eco Tourism    pink dolphins    sea turtles   
About Author
author icon Jacqueline Smith
Joined: Jan-29-2011

Celine is my writing pseudonym. My actual name is Jaqueline Smith at the moment. I was born Jaqueline Juanita van Rensburg.

I have an affinity with the ocean in that I was born on Shark Island, Luderitz Bay, Namibia (in South Western Africa). My father was a lighthouse keeper and we often ended up living next to the sea.

I also worked for the Sea Fisheries Research Institute in South Africa straight after school and learned to love sea creatures and mammals.

My sons are keen fishermen like their grandfather was and currently we live in the beautiful 'off-the-beaten-track' fishing village of Khanom in the Nakhon Sri Thammarat province of Southern Thailand.

My fiance, Cloud Dee-on, owns Khanom Dee, an Eco Tourism shop in the village and as an artist, he can often be found sketching or painting murals or turning pieces of driftwood into artistic sign boards for various resorts in the area.

Such is my life.

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