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by Kiara Pharrams
48 pages    2169 reads    1 people's favorite    2 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book

+He thought he knew her, but he has a lot to learn.+

Ryker Notts is a seventeen-year-old junior attending Stepland High School. He’s sarcastic, somewhat witty and crushes hard for the Queen of Stepland High. Then there’s his best friend, the tomboy, pretty face, Lilith Darnes.

After one prestigious bet made between him and Lilith, it is up to Ryker to last seven whole dates with his best friend in order to define where she goes wrong with guys, besides her boyish wardrobe. From date number one, Ryker is in for a rude awakening. Though it is a challenge for him, something sparks his interest for Lilith, and what seemed to be nothing but a stupid bet comes roaring feelings of love for her. What happens when he admits his feelings for Lilith? Can he accept the high stakes of a relationship? Or will he be denied by the only person who’s ever truly understood him?

Features & Details
Created on: Jul-07-2015   Last updated:  Jul-07-2015
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Teen    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
Comedy    Romance    Teen   
About Author
author icon Shani Lyte
Joined: Mar-25-2012

I put God first, my family is true to my heart, Music is always and forever, and I absolutely positively enjoy writing and letting my imagination enjoy the wonders of paper.

I hope that one day I will be a well known author so when I do make it big I can bless those who have blessed me as well as those who are in need.

I pray one day my books can make it on the big screen, getting turned in to movies. That would be AWESOME!!!

I love blue, I love skittles, and

starburst, and most of all I love you! Yeah you right there who seems to be taking the time just to read my profile. You're the best!

Being an Author is my dream, so yeah<3

I want to give a big shout out to miss Lovelycolors for being a huge fan of my books. You're very talented at what you do and keep following your dreams.

Much love guys:)!

Signing out X_________KiKi<3

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