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Pure - Of the 'Finding Purity' Series

by Piper Pines
48 pages    2271 reads    4 people's favorite    9 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book

The City of Manticore. It is not the kind of world you'd want to reside in. At the age-era of thirteen, you must make a remarkable assessment: purity or immortality. Logically, everyone would choose immortality, I have by no means heard about one who chose Purity. Angel wings germinate through their backsides and they soar off, no alter of mind or consideration about their option. But for Arcane Song, instead of being cherished by her parents she was offered as a sacrifice all because of a birth defect. Years later, she is reborn as an Angel. She never got the choice of picking Immortality or Purity. Arcane was required to be immortal. But she doesn't want to have immortality so wants to be Pure. Arcane's expedition begins to have a redeemed essence. No one believed it was simple.

Features & Details
Created on: Mar-13-2013   Last updated:  Mar-18-2013
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
Hallucinations    Purity    World   
About Author
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Joined: Feb-16-2013


The name is Piper Pines. I am your not-so-average ten year old.

From my enormous height

(5' 6.2")

to my obsession with creating video games

(I use Sandbox ;) )

I'm pretty much well-weird.

I love to surf, not on just the internet, but I can only surf during summer vacation because where I live you can't just get up and surf when you'd like.

Other than that, I play soccer and basketball as well.



Messages from the author:


hi again! I need more characters. If you look at the "Characters' page in the book, it must be submitted that way. Leave a comment with your character please! I might not get all of them, but you know...

First Name & Last Name- Main (protagonist or antagonist),_ years of age, hair color, skin color, eye color, You can also say Angel (or Pure) or Immortal. But no vampires, Blaise is the only one.

Thanks again!!!
:) Piper


Hi guys! I'd like to make this a series. With a total of 10 books (including this one)So here are the names:


I decided to make 'Dreams Arising' the second book in the series. Take out all the stuff about Natalia, and make it about Manticore. Here's the description for Fallen:

In Manticore, Death can can you and dreams control you. Nightmares you are Immortal, if you have dreams you are a Pure. But a plague of Darkness makes everyone have nightmares, turning Pures and normals -normal humans- into Immortal beings and one Immortal, tries to kill the source of the plague while trying to become Pure.

Thanks for reading!!!
:) Piper

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