Florida, North Miami Beach

About Me
Before starting in the cruising and private yachting industry, I completed my education in London, England, where I was born. I studied catering, hospitality, and hotel management. Upon graduating, I wasn't content to retain just any old regular hotel job in England. For me, that was very boring with very little room for growth. I wanted to do something different. My dream was to travel the world, get paid for it, meet and mingle with the rich and famous, harboring the hope of becoming wealthy myself. Was that too much to ask? And why not? I wanted to be Isaac on the love boat for God’s sake!

Amazingly, in 1986, I was working on the fabled Love Boat, which, in real life, is christened The Pacific Princess. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to meet Isaac or any of those other lucky actors who played crewmembers in the series. Naively, I thought that working on a cruise ship would be just as it was portrayed on the television series.

Oh my good God was I wrong! I was..
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My Toast isn't buttered Today "Adult Only"
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Chris Henry
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Don't lose Hope, Life is to Short

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Chris's Published Books

The Chief..
by Chrision Pier
ISBN: 9781605000695
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